Canadian Lifting and Supplies

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Chain Slings

Types of Chain Slings

In describing the type, the following symbols should be used if
attachments are other than standard, give detail specifications

First symbol (basic type) Second symbol (type of master link or end link) Third symbol (type of hook) follows Additional coding is defined as
S Single chain sling
C Single choker chain sling with a standard end link on each end, no hook
D Double branch chain sling (2 legs)
T Triple branch chain sling (3 legs)
Q Quad branch chain sling (4 legs)
O Oblong master link of standard dimensions

E Eliminator

S Sling hook
G Grab hook
F Foundry hook
L Latchlok 100 hook
SB Single basket
ED Endless double
DAL Double adjustable loop
DB Double basket
AS Adjustable single
ES Endless single
SAL Single adjustable loop
AD Adjustable double

To view Working load limit of Specific Chain Slings please choose from the following






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